When Mike put the ducks to bed last night, there was only one......
He searched this morning, still only one.
She kept calling, it was most distressing.
So - I spent all the morning trying to find a replacement. Eventually we were offered a drake by the New Ark Animal Rescue. After some discussion we decided to accept the offer. We were really looking for another duck, never had a drake, and not sure I want my daily duck eggs to have been fertilised. I draw the line at cannibalism.
So this afternoon we set off to collect the duck/drake.
When we arrived the man said he was just about to feed them and this would enable us to select which one we would like, and for him to grab it.
Then his partner came out and asked if we knew we had a flat tyre. This was after driving for nearly half an hour, including up their farm track, deep potholes etc., and me saying "This car is leaning heavily to the left and is extremely sluggish", and being poo pood.
It was down to the rim....
So Mike and the man set to to change the wheel. Everyone up to their knees in mud and slush.
Eventually wheel changed and we had the drake in a box in the back, donation made and came home.
Apart from looking as if he was going to fly home every five minutes, he met Mrs Puddleduck and followed her around making quacks which next to her deep bark sounded very falsetto, hope he isnt a gay duck.
We had spent so much longer at the rescue place, owing to the wheel change, that it was soon growing dark. One thing we had decided on that that was the time for ducks to go to bed, as that was the time that any foxes around would be arriving for supper. I wish I had had the camera on me. Mike came along, "Into bed, " and our original duck dutifully went into the duck house. Smoky Robinson, new duck, discovered the pond. Mike went in after it, thinking easy peasy I can get it while its stuck in the pond, but its bigger than Jemima and just leapt out and off round the courtyard, followed by Mike. After a few turns he finally cornered it and grabbed it and into bed he went. Smoky Robinson that is.
He is called Smoky Robinson as he is the most beautiful, shade of grey on his body. His neck shows possible mallard ancestry and his posture shows runner duck in his ancestry.
So that is the whole day spent on ducks.