Wednesday 22 December 2010

It is beautiful isn't it.

All the trees are totally frozen. Or should I say the snow on the trees is totally frozen. We were minus 17 this morning and had to, yet again, defrost the outlet pipe for the washing machine and utility sink. But really lovely to look at. Sunshine all day with swathes of fog, magical vistas.
The heating is going full tilt so when you do go outside it takes your breath away. Literally in my case. Had to use the emergency inhaler once in to Peterhead.
Yes I finally made it out in my own car, not a four wheel drive, and it behaved impeccably. I am still amazed that this car starts every time no matter what the weather. It defrosts the windscreen in minutes. It also has a brilliant cd player so I have Il Divo full blast.
So I went into Peterhead to the sorting office. Produced my i.d. my driving licence, which does not look anything like me at all any more, but the bloke didnt even look at it. He then disappeared out the back and then handed me a few envelopes. "What, no parcels?" I said. "Oh" he said, disappeared again and came back with THREE parcels. Doh.
So I think no-one needs to panic anymore we are all parcelled up.
I found that Peterhead was far worse than even our village. We have the digger dumping snow into the back of a lorry and being carted off. We have snow ploughs. Peterhead was appalling. Anyone in a wheel chair, or with a push chair would have had no chance. Even I struggled as there were no footpaths cleared or steps. I staggered into Argos and that was where I had a couple of puffs on the emergency inhaler. Hurtled round New Look, what a load of expensive crap. Dorothy Perkins, in desperation bought two jumpers and two t shirts. Then drove into Asda, queues out the door, so left. Into the village round the digger, to the village shop, bought two bottles of wine and came home.
Tonight is a night off, last night was paying guests, tomorrow is non paying guests. Far more demanding.
Now then - back to business. I had a phone call this morning from a company wanting rooms for workers from the 1st February to the 31st March. They have to get accommodation for 100 workers. This is not going to happen! But for us that would be all three rooms, six workers, for two months. So as my current two chaps on a vastly discounted rate are returning in January and their company are not keeping up with the payments - I have a rather wide smile on my face.

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