Then we went for the Christmas Tree. Up to Auchtydonald, or Berryfields Farm Shop as it is now called. Its where most of the year there are strawberry and raspberry plants growing in poly tunnels, remember my photograph, Strawberry Fields Forever? There is also a farm shop there now, where you can buy frozen raspberries and strawberries so you can carry on jam making throughout the year. So we got some of them as well. The trees used to be from the farm, some of them still are, but the taller ones have had to be imported as the farmer went a bit mad with his own and is now having to wait for a few more to get bigger. The trees were in a barn at the back, we then had to return to the shop to pay. I got stuck on the incline up to the shop car park and after a few goes managed it - to a round of applause. Why do some men think women can't drive?
But you get the idea.
Whilst decorating the tree the snow came down again. Before that it had been rain which, landing on the ground, instantly turned to ice, so I was glad we didnt have to go out again.
Then it turned into proper snow.
No excuse or escape for me - I will have to carry on with ironing.
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