Saturday 1 January 2011

Farewell 2010.

The last sunset of 2010.
I hope the rest of the year isnt going to be like its first.
Washing machine going non stop. Ironing, changing beds. Towelling up the guests' bathrooms. As I swept past Christmas displays I whisked them off to be packed away. The tree will be the last thing to come down on twelfth night but as I need to clean and only do that in odd bursts, where I have cleaned then that Santa and his reindeer went into the box. The cards have been packed away for label making next year, apart from the ones with nice messages in from guests, and peoples new addresses to be updated.
Mike was going to have a day off at the Loch of Strathbeg, our local bird reserve, but then the snow started. BLOODY SNOW AGAIN. I nearly went into orbit. Fortunately(?) it flurried a bit and then another bit, but nothing major.
The ducks continue to haunt the area outside my bedroom patio door, but are eating and drinking, preening and flapping their wings, so all seems well. Will not tell them what we are having for dinner tonight.....
And, yes, I have started on the wine. A new day, a new year and a new bottle of wine, cant be that bad then can it.

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