Monday 3 January 2011

I don't believe it!

Trawling through the internet, I came across this. Having watched ducks for some years, and how they love to preen, then do a great big whirring and flapping of wings, this is duck cruelty. This was on a web site devoted to the care of ducks! It also said that ducks were nocturnal. I dont think so.
We have now had Smoky Robinson for four days. Last night and tonight I went out, as it grew dark, and said, "Time for bed." And off they both went, straight into the hut!
I have been ironing, still more to do. Made up both guest rooms now.
Re-covered a seat on a chair, and sorted some fabrics ready for cushion making.
Really gloomy weather, hardly getting light during the day, and more snow, though just a light covering.
No plans to knit duck jumpers.
Time for bed.

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