Such rituals! Addressing the haggis, then stabbing it..... The excitement is just too much. Mike got to drink off the dram of whisky - so he was happy. One of our rotary members recited the whole of Tam o Shanter, without a script, which was some feat, with modern technology, pictures from a 'notebook' projected onto a screen.
We had a quiz on Burns, which we didnt win, despite my having watched a programme on tele on his life the night before......
But I did win the raffle, as I do a bit too often to be honest, only time I have any luck, but as it was a bottle of white wine, which I dont like, I said magnaminously draw it again! Before remembering I had Mike with me who does like white wine. Fortunately, the people who had got second prize in the quiz and dont drink were equally magnaminous and gave Mike their bottle.
What was particularly nice about this evening was that Mike and I were driven there and could both have a drink. Albert, my fellow rotarian, was taking a guest. She lives just up our road so he took us as well. A rare occasion when we can both have a drink, in fact so rare I dont think its ever happened before.
As rotarians we are encouraged to bring guests and hope they will enter the fold. But as some of us chatted at the end of the evening we were all in accord that we like our Rotary just as it is now.
And if I were really well up in Burns I would be ending this with a quote from one of his many poems.
Well, I can think of quite a few, but not very appropriate. "A mans a man for a that "- well some of our members can be pretty sexist, though they are shouted down. And not one of us is a "wee timourous, cowering beastie" but the females are all as lovely as a red, red rose. So Scots Wahey, which I believe is another of Mr Burns, to you all.
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