Thursday 20 January 2011

Another cold day.

But with a beautiful ending.
This morning I couldnt get to the camera quick enough, hopefully I will tomorrow should I be presented with the same scene. A huge moon slowly going down over the horizon at 8a.m. Fantastic.
The other photographic disaster was a blob in the trees in the spinney. The blob was a pheasant, up a tree.... I have never, ever seen a pheasant up a tree. Unfortunately my camera would not believe it, well it wouldnt focus enough, plus there was a fair bit of shake as I was laughing..
The house is unrecognisable. Clean and tidy everywhere. Most times the guest areas are up to scratch, but today, every room - wow. Well, apart from mine own of course. That will get the treatment tomorrow and will make it most uncomfortable for this slob. Wont be able to find anything. (It will all be crammed in the wardrobe.)
I escaped this afternoon. Went to Peterhead and hit the charity shops. Did really well and came home with six books to read. Crime novels one and all.
So - a restful evening, up to me armpits in blood and gore - literary speaking.

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