As N already owns a successful guest house, I took that with a large pinch of the proverbial. But you never know.
Tomorrow is the refreshing of the Home Report. J has done our surveys from our original purchase, right through till now. He doesnt get any less professional and despite my every effort is not open to bribery. Joke! Although, having examined some other properties Home Reports, I wish he wasnt quite so professional. Or spoke about things which could apply to any house. But a prospective purchaser would automatically think, oh theres a problem there then.
One of the comments, "Flat roofs are prone to collapse without warning."
Well ours gave plenty warning, drips everywhere, so we had it replaced.
I bet you any money that that comment will still appear. Its on every Home Report he has done for any property that has a flat roof, even if it is a new build. So a stock in trade comment.
The other one is about seals round loos and baths etc. As a b&b proprietor we spend vast amounts of time attending to seals round baths etc. Something the Hotel Inspector is very keen on too.
It doesnt pay us to neglect any problems with the house. Not just for the paying public, but if you do not attend to things you end up paying more to rectify them.
As regards where we move to, well, now we are in the making silly offers stage. You never know. But the offer was turned down. So still in negotiations.
On the b&b front. We have a lady staying with us through March. Never, ever have we had anyone who had so much trouble finding us! A ten minute drive from Peterhead to here took her two hours. At one point we had a phone call from a local farmer to ask if we had moved the house! He had her on his doorstep and was telling her where to go and she said she had been there (she hadnt as Mike and I were both stationed watching for head lights so as to leap out and wave).
A lot to be said for SATNAV even tho one of the breed insists on sending people into the middle of the village, not the half mile out into the dark, dark countryside, but at least then they are easy to direct. Not someone who is in the dark, dark and doesnt know exactly which bit of the dark dark.
Had a bit of excitement this morning as I suddenly realised I had taken the wrong pill. Which meant, according to the instructions, I was about to go unconscious. Phoned the doctor, tried to explain to the receptionist , which included spelling everything. Hard to do when you think you are heading for a coma. Eventually, actually, to be fair, very quickly, I was phoned back by a doctor who assured me I would be fine. Which surprisingly immediately brought me back to consciousness! Now was that faith healing or just stopping me from being auto suggestive and stupid. Bit of both I reckon.
1 comment:
In Scotland you have seals around loos and baths?? Do they do tricks with balls on noses and clap their hands and things?
Sorry am in silly mood!
Our last house had loads of flat rooves - if you ask me they are far better behaved than the normal roof - at least they give you a hint when owt is up - the first I knew with this posh state of the art apex in this new house was when I went in the loft to get the Christmas decs and saw the beautiful blue sky through the roof!
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