Thursday, 10 February 2011

Ploughing a straight furrow.

You can't quite see how many birds follow the plough on this picture. As often happens here there is also a heron in the band of followers. To the right of the picture is the River Ugie down in the valley, in between us and the strawberry fields, where the heron hangs out. There are often, also, a couple of buzzards looking for the worms turned up by the plough.
Last year this field was oats. Just guessing, but I expect this year it will be barley.
We havent had rape seed for a while, so it could be that.
I prefer the barley as it moves in the wind, and looks like the sea.
Rape seed looks very cheerful when in flower. Bright yellow as far as the eye can see. But then the flowers fade and it all looks very sad until they harvest it.
On the other side of the house are the carrots. Covered over with black plastic and straw. When it comes to harvesting the carrots there is a real hive of activity. Specialist machines for digging them up, loading them onto the back of great lorries. But as far as we are concerned, (and most of the villagers),we do not have to buy any carrots! A plus is that we have never observed any chemical fertiliser or weed killer applied to the crop - and they taste wonderful. I should point out here that when the seeds are planted for the carrots many grow outwith the covers and those are the ones we take. That is they would not be harvested by the specialist machines. Having said all that we have been told to help ourselves.
Just wish the farmer would get on with grape vines!
We have strawberries across the valley and watch the polytunnels advance. Surely they could be used for grapes! There are Scottish Wines - sold in Asda, and very tasty too. So why not from Aberdeenshire?
We have guests in tonight. They have been here many times. A great compliment when guests return.
I have been in a bit of a daze all day. Possibly moving on and having a different view to these fields.
Will I still get a photography award like my Strawberry Fields Forever? Where I just stepped outside of the house and there it all was?
You bet I can.

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