I would have been one of those painted in woad, wailing as the sunset went down in a different place, but then I could have also been one of those who then decided to find out why. And discovered that the world was not flat.
Well, flat, does not describe my world at the moment. More spiral of aaaaarghs. Our deeds have finally been delivered to our solicitors and by tomorrow we should have sold Greenbrae and bought, the awfully named, Cherry Cottage.
Last night at Rotary I asked George, retired solicitor, who I love to bits, how to change the name of a property. His reply - just change it. So I will.
The house was called something awful like HILDER, Hilda and Derek, and they wanted to take that name to their new build abode. So our vendors planted a couple of (non native) cherry trees and renamed it Cherry Cottage.
Now, many years ago, I owned an end terrace cottage in Yorkshire and had a house sign commissioned and made, "Bag End."
Hobbit home of Bilbo, of now famed Tolkein trilogy.
When I commissioned the sign no-one had heard of hobbits, Tolkein, Lord of the Rings, and I was looked askance at for calling my house, 'Bag End.'
Indeed my Father was concerned at the possible link with tarts, prostitutes, etc.(?) Being brought up a stauch methodist he was particularly itchy about any such links and totally ignorant of Mr Baggins. In his mind set 'Bag End' somehow related to Bag = loose woman. Well I went ahead with it. I had a lovely wooden sign made which hung at my end terrace.
I still have this sign. Indeed it has moved with us four times.
What will the natives of Aberdeenshire make of it? Do I care?
Shall I name our new abode Bag End?
I think I will.
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