Where was Alan Sugar?
I had an apprentice shampoo me. "Is the temperature okay?" Well, no, it has just taken the top layer of skin off. And you have filled my ears with water.
Later, as she applied the hair dryer, I got third degree burns as she forgot to move it about, and just focussed on one bit of scalp.
What we women suffer in our desire to be beautiful, or in my case, just passable.
Fortunately she did not wield the scissors.
I was out of the house while the surveyor refreshed the home report. One, I was booked into the hairdressers, and two, I might have done him serious injury. I was still around when he started and I had to point out the new flat roof...... Why can't these people list all that you have done since they were last here - and give you a pat on the head?
So - tomorrow I am away for an ultrasound scan. Last time I had one of them it was to see a baby. This time its to see that there is nothing in my stomach that shouldnt be. Which means starving for 6 hours before said scan. Unlike last time when you had to be so full of water you daren't cough or sneeze.
I remember a strange juxtaposition of t.v. adverts. One was about stress incontinence and the other about hay fever. I thought at the time, what if you have both.
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