Sunday 13 February 2011

Well I did say downsizing....

The good news is that there is enough room for us to continue keeping the ducks and hens.
Though after just standing in a howling gale and getting wetter and wetter, and ended up pleading, "P-l-e-a-s-e go in," I'm not sure that is still a good idea.
The language of ducks seems to consist of a lot of head bobbing. When their heads begin to bob towards the pond rather than their hut I am sorely tempted to do that Japanese thing and "Ha so" their heads off with a strong kick. But as it takes me all my puff just to go once round the pond and do the pleading bit I doubt I ever will decapitate them (I wouldnt anyway - but cant help the wishful thinking).
Anyway downsizing is on hold at the moment.
So - on with the day job. Ironing tomorrow and cleaning guest rooms. And everywhere else. Ho hum.

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