Saturday 30 October 2010

Autumn Solstice.

We have had some strong winds the last few days, but bright and sunny days, and cold.....and yet more beauitful sunsets.
Here is a picture of the new radiator cover, almost finished painting it.
I had to put it back as if it were done as we had four guests booked in last night.
Mike is quite poorly with a stomach bug and has been out of action, still is. But you can't phone in sick on this job so last night he set the breakfast table and prepared the menus, albeit vastly minimalised, as I was going to have to be the breakfast chef.
I had spent the day cleaning and setting up the rooms.
We were both sitting in a collapsed state and nursing our various aches and pains, and we sat, and we sat.
At midnight I locked the doors. How can people do that? Just not turn up. (Plus thats a big chunk of income gone down the drain. In fact it was called a coffee table, I want a new one!)
But - this morning there was the sunshine - and a breakfast table set for four to clear away - and we have both wallowed in a day off. Well, more like carrying on trying to get better!
So - tomorrow I am back to the painting of the radiatior cover, sorry its called a cabinet. And tonight its wallowing - well mentally at least - with Strictly Come Dancing and then the X factor.

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