Gradually feeling better, health wise. The enormous pill a day didnt turn out to be that enormous once out of the blister pack! This is supposed to sort me feeling full after two bites. I manage breakfast and lunch okay, but an evening meal becomes a struggle. Which may be a problem tonight as we are out for a meal as it's Mike's birthday. I do not have any problem with the accompanying red wine of course.
Our youngest daughter is with us for a few days. She is now really into walking. I think she did the Lake District, including hills, in a week. Yesterday she and Mike did part of the Formartine and Buchan Way. This was the railway line, now removed, and one can walk or cycle it. They walked from our village to Maud, not sure how many miles this is. The plan was that I would pick them up around 11a.m. But then I got a phone call saying it would be 1p.m. and eventually picked them up after 2p.m. Although they had had their lunch at Maud in the time.
Today they have gone to the Loch of Strathbeg, our local bird reserve. I do not have to collect them this time so have tootled around changing beds, and ironing and loading washing machine and had plenty rest.
We had a couple in last night from New Zealand. I think they considered they were slumming it. We get the odd ones. They are the ones who leave the bedding in the most unbelievable state, most of it on the floor and have usually walked over it as well. Towels ditto. The bedding has been soaking in bleach since they left. I was really tempted to put on the disposable gloves to strip the bed and am still unsure exactly what was on the bedding and from which part of the body it came. One of the few downsides of doing this job, and thankfully, a very rare occurrence.
Well, on the up side, all our leaks seem to have been sorted. The insurance will be paying for most of the flat roof replacement and Charlie came and did the front tiles. Just waiting for a real deluge to check it all out. And of course the decorative damage to be sorted. The hall ceiling looks as if it is about to descend, but hopefully, it's just the paper rather than the plaster. Can't look til its well dried out.
The youngest daughter has also connected me to Skype(?) I have what appears to be an eyeball looking at me as I type and can now be seen and spoken to should I wish to inflict that on anyone. Have yet to find anyone other than youngest daughter who can reciprocate and you can have too much of a good thing can't you.
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