Friday 15 October 2010

Crimes against B&B Proprietors.

DO come down for breakfast at the time YOU have requested. If not, do not expect the muffins to be still warm.
REMEMBER 9a.m. is the latest we do breakfast, not 9.30.
IF you request continental breakfast, it does not go down well when we have provided same and you then order a cooked breakfast and still polish off the cheeses etc. and take the rest on offer up to your room.
DO NOT remain in your room til nearly lunch time. We do not enjoy twiddling our thumbs till you depart and then have not finished cleaning and resetting the rooms when -
DO NOT return within two hours, just as we are thinking of relaxing/gardening/setting off shopping.
DO NOT bring back parts of ancient standing stones, including their mosses and display on/ruin our furniture.
DO NOT put sanitary towels down the loo. You are obviously using them from the rubbish you do manage to get into the bin provided. You may well find yourself provided with a drain rod.
DO NOT have the heating on at it's highest setting and then open the patio doors.
DO NOT expect a change of towels daily.
DO listen to information given and maps provided with indicators of which ancient ruin you wish to view, otherwise it isnt surprising you are not having a very successful time.
DO NOT ask me if I believe in the after life, because you may be going to find out sooner than you wanted to.
AND DO NOT EVER, EVER offer me a credit card in payment when from the word go it has been made abundantly clear I do not take them.

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