Snowed all night, and most of the day. This is one of four feeding stations we have around the house. Could have shown you a beautiful female pheasant, but the batteries in the camera died. Also a buzzard came to sit on the fence post here and was dive bombed by crows. Sods law!

Okay I am smiling in the picture. BUT having just spent vast amounts of money on having my hair colours done, and been advised "We need to do low lights this time."(?) I end up with BORING BROWN hair. The flash on the camera has brightened it, but I can assure you it is BROWN. In fact I have a vague memory that's the colour I was born with. And I am stuck with it til after Christmas.
Still, I always do enjoy my six weekly trip to the hairdressers. It was unusually quiet. The usual 'dead' woman having her perm done, nice that they carry her to the sink and back again isnt it? My stylist and the washer of hair were chatting to a girl who had left to have her baby. They might as well have been talking Dutch, the Doric was so strong, I only got the odd word or two, but there was much hilarity so I just fixed a knowing smile on my face. As the girl left my stylist started on me and said, "Terrible thing a prolapse, isnt it."
Is there a piccy? Am I missing something - other than me marbles??
You dont mean of the prolapse do you? There are two pics on the blog, one of birds in snow and one of me with brown hair. What made you think there was one missing!?
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