Monday 8 November 2010


First of all I should say that without them I would not be able to see my grandson so often, him being in Edinburgh and me in the wilds of north east Scotland. This is a picture I took of him while on Skype, and him showing me how he could put hats on and off!
After reading all the help bits on google it could well be that installing Skype onto my lap top could have caused my problem with blogging.
I have been unable to get in to my blog for ages, although I can on the main computer..... In the end I got so frustrated I ended up with a new blog, but then discovered no-one else could find it! So, on the main computer I changed my password, back up on the lap top - and here I am again! Quite proud of myself for sorting it, just hope it stays sorted.
Also with computers - we are trying to update our web site. So needed new photographs as over the years there's been quite a lot of money thrown at guest rooms, decorating, new lighting and expensive throws and so forth.

A guest room, note to Hotel Inspector, no visible seams in my wallpapering.....

Another guest room, due when money allows, for a rewallpapering.

And our sitting room, new cushion covers for the Winter, and a runner, and the footstool re-covered.
Anyone interested in what our guests think to it all visit Tripadvisor!

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