Saturday, 30 October 2010

Autumn Solstice.

We have had some strong winds the last few days, but bright and sunny days, and cold.....and yet more beauitful sunsets.
Here is a picture of the new radiator cover, almost finished painting it.
I had to put it back as if it were done as we had four guests booked in last night.
Mike is quite poorly with a stomach bug and has been out of action, still is. But you can't phone in sick on this job so last night he set the breakfast table and prepared the menus, albeit vastly minimalised, as I was going to have to be the breakfast chef.
I had spent the day cleaning and setting up the rooms.
We were both sitting in a collapsed state and nursing our various aches and pains, and we sat, and we sat.
At midnight I locked the doors. How can people do that? Just not turn up. (Plus thats a big chunk of income gone down the drain. In fact it was called a coffee table, I want a new one!)
But - this morning there was the sunshine - and a breakfast table set for four to clear away - and we have both wallowed in a day off. Well, more like carrying on trying to get better!
So - tomorrow I am back to the painting of the radiatior cover, sorry its called a cabinet. And tonight its wallowing - well mentally at least - with Strictly Come Dancing and then the X factor.

Thursday, 28 October 2010

So now they want me to swallow a camera.

Hmmmm. I just may decide that I feel tons better and start running.

Wednesday, 27 October 2010

October sunset.

Have decided I am fed up of being ill.
Painted the radiator cover, nearly finished now.
Friday we are back to having paying guests.
Can you see the fish in the sky?!

Tuesday, 26 October 2010

Been busy.

Now, I actually own one very like this. It sits in our hall with a plant on the end of it. It still works and has all its bits, needles, feet etc. I guess it would be a good way of keeping fit, treadling away. But I actually use an electric sewing machine and just have to concentrate hard that the sewing is straight, in other words dont let it carry me away, and keep my eyes on the needle. I have been known to trap my finger and sew in a scarf....that I was wearing at the time.
Yesterday I sewed two table cloths, and made three large cushion covers for large cushion (what else). Our two settees and chairs now have no room for people to sit on them, but that appears to be the fashion, and they are all shades of red which is again fashion for the winter months. Ha ha.
Mike made a radiator cover for the large radiator in our sitting room. When I say made, he bought a kit from B&Q, which wasnt big enough, he discovered when he got it home, so he had to make the sides fit round the valves by doing some swearing and sawing.
So today I gave the cover it's first coat of paint. It will match the walls, rather than be too obtrusive. Even so, it looks far better than the radiator. Boring things arent they?
I then went on to make a runner for the coffee table and then re-covered a foot stool.
I then was reminded I was ill and collapsed.

Saturday, 23 October 2010

Bird watching..

This is a picture of a small amount of the masses of tree sparrows that come and feed on my patio, okay, near it. Trouble is they disappear at the movement of the camera, so not a good image. Must try harder.
But these two are totally unconcerned at sight of the camera. One is having a stretch and the one behind has already done that and tucked head under wing, which is what the one in the foreground will next do.
Quite a nice sunny day today, fractionally warmer. More ironing in the morning and then a trip to our garden centre in the afternoon. Plants for the hanging baskets. Presentation, presentation. Although it is Mike who does this these days.
I said to him as he brought me my small portion for tea, "Thanks - and sorry for being such a pain.," He said, "Well, you've given me thirty good years."
Should I go now?

Friday, 22 October 2010

Autumn Fashion.

After a morning of ironing guest bedding I decided that as the weather was indicating we had missed Autumn I had better replenish the Winter wardrobe.
Now can someone please tell me why all the jumpers, tops, t -shirts have short sleeves or no sleeves at all! What good is that. Beautiful thick ribbed knitted tops - with a sleeve that doesnt even reach your elbow. Or you find one that does have sleeves to the wrist and the body of the garment finishes at bust level. Even the coats!
(I did pass one woman who looked about fifty wearing a scoop necked sleeveless dress outside the bookies but I think she was on something......)
Now, do I hear someone saying layer it? Like you wear something with a long sleeve underneath one of these short sleeved efforts, well fine. But in my mind set the thing that goes underneath should at least match or complement the one that goes over it.. wouldnt you think if that was the case there would be items to buy that did just that. Well there weren't. And this wasnt just in New Look or Dorothy Perkins but in some of what I consider a last resort, the old peoples shops. If anyone thinks I would be seen dead in anything that resembles a thermal vest - on show - they can think again.
Oh, and just one more rant, why does Dorothy Perkins have nothing in a size 12/ 14 but plenty in size 18 plus - are they anything to do with Evans?
I like my arms well covered, my midriff and kidneys well covered but I do not want to look BORING OR OLD.
I did manage to find three tops that were yawn okay. So at least I will be warm. And boring.

Thursday, 21 October 2010

I just had to check the date...

Definitely 20th OCTOBER. Not December, or January, February or March even.
I wasnt feeling too good when I set off to go to my Rotary meeting. Very tired, but thought, 'Come on Jill!' Driving with Il Divo on full blast usually makes me feel good, and indeed had just started to kick in when I thought, hey this isnt rain, and in front of me were wheel tracks in the white stuff, then it hit, a blizzard. In October?
And dont forget - this was in the dark, nearly a full moon, but not quite. And over narrow country roads. I felt as if I would fall over Mr Shackleton at any moment, or a bad fairy, as it was so weird.
By the time I got to the hotel where we have our meetings I was a wreck. I could have wept. It was so lovely to see everyone but I found it difficult to string three words together.
I do find it difficult to accept I am ill.
Anyway, earlier in the day I had gone for my six weekly hair do. Just as I was about to say, "Don't forget I am growing my fringe out," the scissors beat me to it. I am now having to wear a slide, to keep my hair out of my eyes.
Ho hum.

Tuesday, 19 October 2010

How civilised!

We joined our friends and had lunch out today at the Tufted Duck, St. Combs, which is a 19th century fishing village and on the edge of the village is the hotel. The only one in our part of the world with a sea view!
We saw wind surfers and a ship, a bit further away than the one in the picture, servicing the oil fields.
Absolutely lovely lunch and I ate it all, well nearly. Not overfaced and very tasty and the service was spot on from start to finish. Heaven.
As we arrived it was hailing and the ground was completely covered over white. As we sat in the restaurant we watched the sea change colour, rainbows, sunshine, changing scene every few minutes. So relaxing.
Back home. Freezing! Not really, think it was 4 degrees.
I had to then go to the health centre - again - this time for the flu jab. Last year it was one in each arm, one for the flu and one for the swine flu and after they were administered it was 'go and sit down for ten minutes in the waiting room, then you can go home.' This time I didnt have time to read any of the "Know your prostate", "Dont take it out on the receptionist." before I was in, bared arm, jabbed and out again. "If you feel funny, come back." Well, I didnt. In fact I am not sure I have actually had the jab, as last year I couldnt move my arms for hours.
And then it snowed, proper snow, on the way home. And it's only October. Sheesh.

Monday, 18 October 2010

A real poser.

Out I go to take a picture of the sunset and there she is, Minerva McGonagall.
She disappears when we have paying guests, still havent found where she goes, but go she does. The other two remain and are much admired and petted. But our Min is above all that. Choosy.
Well, I have been doing a lot of recuperating. Which means not doing much at all. Suits me at the moment.
Amazing number of tree sparrows coming to my feeder. I think they are on the endangered list. Well I guess I should tell someone they are all living here. About fifty regularly too and fro to my feeder and hang around in the spinney at the rear of the house. What a racket they make! And one pair raised three broods in the nest box in which I have a camera!
The carrots are now bedded down for the winter. This year the bedding looks far more messy than last year. In fact one worries that should there come the usual 70mph winds there wont be any straw left to cover them over. It really looks awful. I hope they dont set it on fire like they did last year as it is right next door to us. Tho I think they had the hard word from the amount of fire engines and police that swiftly gathered once the clouds of smoke had been seen from Iceland (getting our own back.)
No paying guests but a daughter. So today we went to The Barn. Now you may all have charity shops but on top of them we have The Barn. And it is indeed a BARN. Crammed with everything and anything. I am not going to list it all. Take forever. We came away with some rolls of wallpaper and a paperback book. But we could have bought......I leave it to your imagination.

Sunday, 17 October 2010

Better !

Well - getting there.
Always better when the paying guests like the ones we have just had depart. And yes, feeling a little wrong footed when they paid more than they owed "As you were so kind." They didnt notice the gritted teeth then......
Swiftly followed by non paying guest. Always nice to see a daughter. Though that will mean bye bye any unexpected profit just made !!!!!!!!!!!

Friday, 15 October 2010

Health report -(dont miss blog below this one.)

Yet more tests. x ray this morning. Hopefully another elimination test.
All blood tests back, bar one. Two showing cause for concern. Body fighting inflammation(?)
Increased dose of stomach settling pill as GP leaning towards ulcer, not sure I am, but who am I?
Back in two weeks when the other test will be back and if it is what he thinks the pills will be having an effect and I should be getting better. If not its more tests. One of which is putting a camera down, well, me swallowing it. No chance, sorry, they will have to knock me out for that. Or an even better idea, get me drunk first.

Crimes against B&B Proprietors.

DO come down for breakfast at the time YOU have requested. If not, do not expect the muffins to be still warm.
REMEMBER 9a.m. is the latest we do breakfast, not 9.30.
IF you request continental breakfast, it does not go down well when we have provided same and you then order a cooked breakfast and still polish off the cheeses etc. and take the rest on offer up to your room.
DO NOT remain in your room til nearly lunch time. We do not enjoy twiddling our thumbs till you depart and then have not finished cleaning and resetting the rooms when -
DO NOT return within two hours, just as we are thinking of relaxing/gardening/setting off shopping.
DO NOT bring back parts of ancient standing stones, including their mosses and display on/ruin our furniture.
DO NOT put sanitary towels down the loo. You are obviously using them from the rubbish you do manage to get into the bin provided. You may well find yourself provided with a drain rod.
DO NOT have the heating on at it's highest setting and then open the patio doors.
DO NOT expect a change of towels daily.
DO listen to information given and maps provided with indicators of which ancient ruin you wish to view, otherwise it isnt surprising you are not having a very successful time.
DO NOT ask me if I believe in the after life, because you may be going to find out sooner than you wanted to.
AND DO NOT EVER, EVER offer me a credit card in payment when from the word go it has been made abundantly clear I do not take them.

Wednesday, 13 October 2010

It takes all sorts.

Aikey Brae Stone Circle. Ten minutes away from Greenbrae.
Our two guests, ladies, from Germany, are into stone circles and all things pagan. "Ve have too many buildings in Germany - all covered over the things ancient."
Well, we have plenty of stone circles, burial mounds around here to please them. Tho they have actually gone miles away from this one and all the others that are within spitting distance of Greenbrae. I give in.
They originally enquired about 'half board'. This is Dinner bed and breakfast, to which I replied, we didnt do evening meals. But they still booked with us, for five days.
On arrival they presented Mike with a carrier bag full of quiches, pies and salad. He was to warm up the quiches and pies and set the table. Had I been well enough I would have told them if I did - this was a one off. Mike being Mike just got on and did it, delaying his own evening meal so to do. Making his day a very long one, as at the moment he is having to do more than his fair share of the work due to me being not well.
They also said, "Breakfast at 9a.m. just continental." 9a.m. is pushing it....
So this morning they appear at 8.30, before Mike has finished putting everything out, and just whipping up the smoothie and putting out the warm mufffins. They have muesli, scrambled eggs, toast, cheese, yoghurts, muffins,and whats left on the sideboard they also remove. Like all the muffins and the odd yoghurt. So - continental and cooked. And I have given them 10% off for booking for 5 days. Aaaaaargh.
Our request to guests is that they vacate their room by 10 ish so we can clean the room. At 10.45 they departed.
On entering their room to sort it I am met with this sitting on the dressing table.

Well, similar. Bit smaller.

Right, health report.
Yesterday I had bloods taken for all manner of tests. Everything apart from whether or not my brain is functioning. One arm wouldnt release any blood and is now useless. And bruised. The other is also useless and bruised but did provide the necessary.
This morning I receive a telephone call from the surgery, one of the tests has shown an abnormality. "Which one?"
"I am not qualified to give that information. You need to see the doctor. First appointment is tomorrow."
"So you are leaving me to panic for 24 hours?"
"I am not qualified to answer that."
This conversation went on for some time . Til I realised I was probably speaking to someone who wasnt qualified to even pick up a telephone. Probably the cleaner.
I did manage to get some garbled letters of the test as I was so persistent, swiftly followed by, "But I am not qualified to tell you this." So I googled the letters.
Well I could have anything from Cancer to rheumatoid arthritis.
So I am having a glass of wine. Could be my last.

Monday, 11 October 2010

I think he likes them!

Could do with some new PJs myself.
Our guests from France departed this morning. We have two ladies from Germany arriving tomorrow for five days, no idea what they are doing.
Managed to sort their room this morning, and made a start on the one just vacated.
I am considering moving my sleeping bag into the doctors. Was there today. Tomorrow I have blood tests being taken. Next Tuesday, back for results and then flu jab in the afternoon.
Just hope we get some result from all this and they know how to sort me out.
Damn, forgot to make an appointment for the blood pressure clinic......

Friday, 8 October 2010

The Kilmarnock Arms.

Cruden Bay. This is where Bram Stoker stayed in 18 something or other, and on seeing Slains Castle, just up the coast, the inspiration for Count Dracula was born. (Not Whitby.)
We had a really lovely meal here last night for Mikes birthday. Service and food were all first class. Just a pity that I could not do it full justice as not very well. But managed the wine alright!
Guests with us tonight, from France, visited us here many times to see their family. New granchildren in all directions apparently.
Youngest daughter cooked the evening meal for us tonight and I sampled some of the scrummy cheeses from the shop she manages in Edinburgh.

Thursday, 7 October 2010

The Sinset has moved.

Autumnal equinox? Its about 45 degrees to the left of where it set about a month ago and still confuses me, after nearly nine years of living here.
Gradually feeling better, health wise. The enormous pill a day didnt turn out to be that enormous once out of the blister pack! This is supposed to sort me feeling full after two bites. I manage breakfast and lunch okay, but an evening meal becomes a struggle. Which may be a problem tonight as we are out for a meal as it's Mike's birthday. I do not have any problem with the accompanying red wine of course.
Our youngest daughter is with us for a few days. She is now really into walking. I think she did the Lake District, including hills, in a week. Yesterday she and Mike did part of the Formartine and Buchan Way. This was the railway line, now removed, and one can walk or cycle it. They walked from our village to Maud, not sure how many miles this is. The plan was that I would pick them up around 11a.m. But then I got a phone call saying it would be 1p.m. and eventually picked them up after 2p.m. Although they had had their lunch at Maud in the time.
Today they have gone to the Loch of Strathbeg, our local bird reserve. I do not have to collect them this time so have tootled around changing beds, and ironing and loading washing machine and had plenty rest.
We had a couple in last night from New Zealand. I think they considered they were slumming it. We get the odd ones. They are the ones who leave the bedding in the most unbelievable state, most of it on the floor and have usually walked over it as well. Towels ditto. The bedding has been soaking in bleach since they left. I was really tempted to put on the disposable gloves to strip the bed and am still unsure exactly what was on the bedding and from which part of the body it came. One of the few downsides of doing this job, and thankfully, a very rare occurrence.
Well, on the up side, all our leaks seem to have been sorted. The insurance will be paying for most of the flat roof replacement and Charlie came and did the front tiles. Just waiting for a real deluge to check it all out. And of course the decorative damage to be sorted. The hall ceiling looks as if it is about to descend, but hopefully, it's just the paper rather than the plaster. Can't look til its well dried out.
The youngest daughter has also connected me to Skype(?) I have what appears to be an eyeball looking at me as I type and can now be seen and spoken to should I wish to inflict that on anyone. Have yet to find anyone other than youngest daughter who can reciprocate and you can have too much of a good thing can't you.

Monday, 4 October 2010

Not well.

Been unwell for about a week. But you can't go to the doctors with a "I dont feel well." can you.
Else some of us would be there everyday.
Over the weekend (of course, one never gets proper poorly in the week...) something more concrete. So this morning I went to see the doctor.
I have pleurisy - antibiotics.
And something he isnt really sure about, so a pill a day, as big as a gob stopper, apparently you can suck it if you cant swallow it, and see if it works....
If not I will be off to hospital and it wont be half as much fun as if I was being met by the above, I'll bet.

Sunday, 3 October 2010

One night stands.

God. they are so hard work. On the bed is a fitted sheet, four pillowcases, flat sheet and quilt cover, all super king size and all to be washed and ironed and replaced on bed. In the bathroom are two bath sheets, two bath towels, two hand towels, two face cloths, all to be washed and dried. Bed stripped and remade.
We, of course, clean the bed and bathroom daily, but the change-over is a killer.
When you have a run of one nighters you suddenly realise the bedding you have ironed and the towels on the shelves are running out. This is always the morning when as your guests leave, correctly at 10a.m. ish. The next lot appear. I wish I had a photo of my face to show you when this happens.
"We just thought we would drop everything off, have a shower, get changed and then be out of your hair!"
You think you are doing me a favour???????????????
There are two replies to this one. One I would love to say, "Buggar Off, unless you are paying for two nights? And do you really want a shower in a dirty one and the beds are still warm from the last lot."
Or, "Just give me ten minutes."
As they depart, to be 'out of my hair' an hour later I know that I will be at it well into the afternoon. Just in time for them to return at 4p.m.
"We just noticed we should check in after four."

Friday, 1 October 2010

A jaunt.

This is Huntly. Takes about an hour and a half to get there. Our Best of Banffshire and Buchan Bed and Breakfasts had their autumnal jaunt to visit Deans of Huntly who make shortbread. Absolutely fabulous weather, all day, shame about today, the day after. We had a very nice lunch and went up to the viewing platform, but all you could see were some very bored people, with hairnets on, packing. The actual manufacture was out of sight, which was a bit concerning. So we can recommend to our guests the restaurant, but not much exciting otherwise, there is also a shop (of course) and guess what you can buy there.
It was lovely to meet up after the summer, we dont have meetings in the summer as we are all so busy. So its very much a catch up time. And our fellow b&b providers pass on to me their daft tales (for the book I intend to write - when I retire! If ever)
Mary had a corker. Guest booked in by phone, "Have you got off road parking?" Affirmative. Mary is also in the middle of nowhere with a fantastic view of the Moray coast. Guest turns up with a brand new hearse. Delivering it to the nearest funeral parlour.
Their local farmer tootling along in his tractor espyed this hearse in their drive and suddenly Mary heard the tractor rev up and in her words, "I've never seen a tractor drive so fast.'
By the time she got down to the village the whole village was expecting either her or her partner to be in the hearse, in a coffin.
Another of our members had experience of one of the many scams we b&b providers frequently get. This was an email purportedly from an Internationally known charity booking in a member of staff for two weeks. Two weeks in a b&b is rare in itself. Subsequently after quoting around £600 for the stay he received a bankers draft for over £3000. The message then came through for him to cash the bankers draft and then refund them the balance. Oh yeah! Of course what would happen is that the bankers draft would bounce and not only would the scammers get some profit out of it, well a lot of profit out of it, they would also have the bank details. Fortunately we are not daft. It's usually six newly qualified Greek priests, or three honeymoon couples from Japan. Whatever, the end result is they are after your money.
Back to the weather. 70mph winds today and rain, so every leak, bar one, in our roof is dripping away like mad. We got one bit mended today before the man nearly got blown off his ladder. Hoping the front roof gets done over the weekend and the main leakage from the flat roof has to wait for a run of good weather......Our guests dont seem to mind, they dont get to see much rain in Australia.