Aikey Brae Stone Circle. Ten minutes away from Greenbrae.
Our two guests, ladies, from Germany, are into stone circles and all things pagan. "Ve have too many buildings in Germany - all covered over the things ancient."
Well, we have plenty of stone circles, burial mounds around here to please them. Tho they have actually gone miles away from this one and all the others that are within spitting distance of Greenbrae. I give in.
They originally enquired about 'half board'. This is Dinner bed and breakfast, to which I replied, we didnt do evening meals. But they still booked with us, for five days.
On arrival they presented Mike with a carrier bag full of quiches, pies and salad. He was to warm up the quiches and pies and set the table. Had I been well enough I would have told them if I did - this was a one off. Mike being Mike just got on and did it, delaying his own evening meal so to do. Making his day a very long one, as at the moment he is having to do more than his fair share of the work due to me being not well.
They also said, "Breakfast at 9a.m. just continental." 9a.m. is pushing it....
So this morning they appear at 8.30, before Mike has finished putting everything out, and just whipping up the smoothie and putting out the warm mufffins. They have muesli, scrambled eggs, toast, cheese, yoghurts, muffins,and whats left on the sideboard they also remove. Like all the muffins and the odd yoghurt. So - continental and cooked. And I have given them 10% off for booking for 5 days. Aaaaaargh.
Our request to guests is that they vacate their room by 10 ish so we can clean the room. At 10.45 they departed.
On entering their room to sort it I am met with this sitting on the dressing table.

Well, similar. Bit smaller.
Right, health report.
Yesterday I had bloods taken for all manner of tests. Everything apart from whether or not my brain is functioning. One arm wouldnt release any blood and is now useless. And bruised. The other is also useless and bruised but did provide the necessary.
This morning I receive a telephone call from the surgery, one of the tests has shown an abnormality. "Which one?"
"I am not qualified to give that information. You need to see the doctor. First appointment is tomorrow."
"So you are leaving me to panic for 24 hours?"
"I am not qualified to answer that."
This conversation went on for some time . Til I realised I was probably speaking to someone who wasnt qualified to even pick up a telephone. Probably the cleaner.
I did manage to get some garbled letters of the test as I was so persistent, swiftly followed by, "But I am not qualified to tell you this." So I googled the letters.
Well I could have anything from Cancer to rheumatoid arthritis.
So I am having a glass of wine. Could be my last.