Saturday 28 November 2009

A Touch of Tartan

My Touch of Tartan was a stole (hanging over back of chair.) This is an annual fund raising event for local charities. It was quite amusing that the last people to arrive were the two tables for the Alzheimer Society, and we were all being very cruel and saying perhaps they had forgotten.....
I think I had just had a swallow of red wine, hence the facial contortions, the wine matched the food - awful.
Our table was my Rotary Club - Central Buchan. Fortunately the company was better than the food and we had a good time. We left before the dancing, I am getting too old for late nights! The meal was supposed to be 7.30p.m. but didnt appear till 8.30p.m. so the dancing was just starting at 11.30p.m. If I had had another glass of wine I would have been on the dance floor - on my back!

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