The engineer came to repair my range cooker today, the part required having been delivered, as promised - which is something - yesterday. This being the heating element for the larger fan oven. After about two hours he announced he could not fix it enough for it to be safe. So was going to condemn it to the insurance company. Reason being the fixing screws/nuts/bolts were rusty. "Why are they rusty?" I asked, "Its the condensation from the food you cook in the oven", he replied. The insurance company to the engineer and relayed by him to me, " We dont cover rust...." But if the rust is caused by the oven doing what it is supposed to do, cook food, why is it not then covered, surely this is bad design? Engineer holds his hands up, "I am just the engineer" Indeed. DO NOT EVER BUY ANYTHING MADE BY BELLING. I also not long ago had to get rid of a microwave made by Belling, because the area where the plate went round went RUSTY, making it liable to spark and go bang and probably kill someone..........I am really, really cross. This cooker is 5 years old, in that time I have had the oven seal replaced 6 times, the element for the grill replaced, the element for the small oven replaced (which we hardly ever use) and the fascia which had burnt, bubbled, due to the oven seal not working.
One rant over.
Next was a phone call from the people I have paid for a new steam press, delivery tomorrow being the latest promise, can we check your post code, oh dear we have that down wrong, meanwhile the old one has gone on freecycle, been repaired and is cracking away with someone elses ironing. The only reason I bought a new one was that I couldnt wait for a repair man and was promised delivery of this new one last Friday.
And the final rant. I have set up a guest room for booked lady for tonight. You guessed it - I phoned her to double check she was in for tonight not tomorrow (husband having a senior moment) "Oh, sorry, I was going to phone you, I am cancelling."
I went off to ASDA = some retail therapy, two jumpers, in the sale at £2.50 each, and a BOTTLE OF WINE.
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