I have a lovely hair dresser. Ange does not ask me "Where are you going on holiday?" Or, "Any plans for the weekend?" All she says is "And now..." which is very much a North East Scotland greeting. And then she gets on with it. More often than not I sit with eyes closed, totally relaxed, blissful, apart from the awful music that blasts out. I can't see anything with my eyes open, as I have to take my glasses off. When the hair is being washed I am almost ecstatic as the girl who does the shampooing has obviously had some training in head massage. Yesterday I had my colours done, which inolves having bits wrapped in foil after whatever colour has been pasted on, then sit there for ages and ages, but I dont mind. This time I also had quite a lot chopped off.
Then it was home to get ready to go to the weekly Rotary meeting. On the agenda this week was practising for the Ceilidh on Friday. I got halfway through an eightsome reel before collapsing. Not bad. Also was truly thrilled I could remember so much from primary school days when we were taught these dances. Still not sure what to wear...
Oh - the other bit of news is that we will still be here at Christmas. Our second viewers are not in a hurry to move. I wish people like that would NOT come and view your home and go round planning which wall they are going to knock down when they have NO intention of making an offer.
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