Dreadful weather the last few days. Howling wind. Not really cold but the wind chill was significant, so much so that on the 19th June 2010 I have got the central heating on......
The house is full. Three couples. One up for a funeral are with is for two nights, one couple visiting their son and with us for four nights and a German couple in for one night.
We had thought we were to have a house viewing today but yet another nutter. What is it about us that draws them in? This woman was desperate to view last night, but with all these guests arriving we said, "No, tomorrow at 2p.m." Solicitor tried to contact her just got the answering machine. So this morning I phoned the woman ( only lives in our village) and said are you coming or not? (Before I start rushing around shoving stuff in wardrobes.) and she just said, "Oh no we cant make it." And put the phone down. Weird. As if I had invited her.....
Other news - had my blood pressure check, all well. Sith was coughing again so got some more lung worm stuff. This is in a syringe and goes straight down his throat. He is now adept at sicking it back up. Didnt want to know that did you? Just more problems.
Midsummers day on Monday and our 30th wedding anniversary. I shall think about that and being Titania while I iron.
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