There it was to be tested for nasties, if okay it would then be wormed, castrated, and eventually re-homed.
When Mike got to the town centre vets he parked in front and opened the boot. A man walking past with a dog said, "You've got a cat there. I can smell it from here. You take the dog and I will take the cat round the back, they wont want that in the reception stinking it out."
So Mike enters the vets and introduces himself, saying, "Yes I have dog with me but I have brought the cat I phoned up about." The receptionist leaned over the counter, looked at the dog, and said, "Oh thats Cedric, nae bother."
There is always a laugh somewhere in everything we do.
I am now finding it difficult to laugh.
The vet phoned us to say that the cat had FIV and he was putting it to sleep. Oh, and we needed to get our cats checked out to see if they had been infected. I am off tomorrow morning to discuss the options with our vet. Its the feline AIDS. Passed on through bites. Well, we had a fair few of them. No cure. But cats can carry on with the disease and live a full life, so saith the internet. I bloody well hope so.
At least we stopped it infecting anymore cats
On other fronts. We had the viewing yesterday evening. Another lot who have castles in the air. An hour and a half of listening to someone dream on and you slowly realise they will never actually do it/anything leading to you selling your house.....For goodness sake, this bloke who was going to do b&b while his partner carried on working outside the home was actually getting really twitchy about whether or not he could cook bacon and eggs. "I'm sure I can do it." Didnt sound at all confident. So we dare not show him our menu which has poached eggs, scrambled eggs, tattie scones, smoked salmon, kippers etc.etc. Although we perhaps should have done and finished him off altogether.
Tomorrow at noon another viewing. And I am very, very near to losing the plot. I am so tired and weary of showing people round the house and answering their inane questions and they havent even got their property on the market. Apparently the couple tomorrow, their house is about to go on the market. A step further? Or another made up story. Another silly dream.
I know there will be a laugh in this somewhere, I am just finding it particulary hard to find it.
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