This was the sky last night, after a day of hot sunshine. The sky looked as if on fire. The darker clouds were scudding across like a veil being whisked across.
I dont think I could ever live anywhere else than here in the North East of Scotland, such fantastic skies, it really calms my soul.
Which has been needed, the calmness, as its not around much.
Last night we had a 'no show'. This was after taking a booking at 3p.m. in the afternoon, for two nights, twin room, and "They will arrive with cash to pay."
I had to completely re-do a room which was set up as a double to do the twin beds. Also some last minute biscuit baking as there were not enough for all three rooms.
And then they never appeared.
We can only assume they pocketed the cash and slept in the van. But if that was their plan I scuppered it and phoned the company to say I wanted the money for last night. "Didnt they arrive?" "No." Later an extremely apologetic man phoned and said there was a cheque in the post.
Then a man appeared at the door saying he was from Aberdeenshire Council Environmental Health and was there to sell us a 'Trade Waste Bin'.
After explaining to him we didnt have any trade waste, we compost everything the birds, hens and ducks dont clear. We recycle everything we can. And our refuse bin could go two months before its full, probably longer.
"Ah but recycling costs the council - and if some of that is from your b&b guests then its trade waste."
When I asked for it in black and white what law/regulation said that this was so he rambled off in another direction about the water board would charge having to process extra waste from our sewage! I said we had a septic tank. (Also our guests dont use as much water as our four daughters did.)
After about an hour Mike said we were not going to buy a trade waste bin, he would rather burn anything that couldn't be recycled.
"Ah, now you just might have got me there"
Apparently you get a certificate from Sepa at NO cost to burn rubbish and they provide you with a drum to burn it in at NO cost. Ha.
In amongst all this I am to-ing and fro-ing with another man come to fix the Watchman thingy which is supposed to tell the oil company how much is in our tank - and wasnt. It works by some computer ringing the phone and picking up the message from the Watchman. With me so far?
I had found out it wasnt working as we were down to nearly empty and had had no delivery.
It was of course our fault for having put it near the router for the broadband. The fact that they put it there was greeted with a nodding head and a silent removal of the watchman paraphernalia and it being installed elsewhere. We checked the phone still worked and off he went.
I then realised the internet was not working and had to phone the oil company to get him back. Back he came and removed something he had attached to 'filter the broadband' after establishing there already was a 'filter for the broadband, " installed.............
Back in to try and get rid of Environmental Health chap, who by this time was droning on about some hairdresser who despite taking all her hairsprays home and putting them in her own house bin still had to pay the trade waste charge. Of course she couldn't burn the aerosols or Aberdeenshire would probably be in orbit by now.
THEN I still had all the rooms to clean set up.
I love doing this blog, just writing it all down I am having hysterics.
As the headline says its now June. Mike and I will be awarding ourselves with long service medals having managed to stay married for 30 years. That will coincide with the longest day.
All my horoscopes promise that this month things will happen big time. Well, you can read that either way. Could be I end up on a murder charge having completely lost the plot at the next person to cross my path.. I have heard that Visit Scotland are around doing our annual inspections. .......................