Saturday 15 May 2010


That's why we do the b&b. All fascinating. The one this week works for the Marine something or other. Checking out the sustainability of the fish being caught. The picture shows some of the fishing boats at Fraserburgh where our guest was heading. A difficult job for him with all the restraints on the fishing industry.
When I eventually get round to writing my book the guests will be the main story. So many lovely people have stayed with us. Okay some were not so nice but thankfully in the minority.
But all have an interesting story to tell. Even the boring, unpleasant ones, and we keep smiling!

Next week we have a chap working at the Loch of Strathbeg, our local RSPB reserve. At the weekend after that the tourists begin in earnest. Ancestor hunting, exploring the area, in they come. All will have a story to tell.

I am still waiting for the visitor who wants to buy the house.......

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