Thursday 13 May 2010

Are you sitting comfortably?

Well I'm not! This is MY chair in our bedroom, (which is more like a bed sit.) When we have guests in the sun room/sitting room is for them to use if they wish. So I withdraw to the other end of the house. A very large room, with two patio doors and a window. There is the King size bed, wooden chest on top of which are stacks of House magazines, wooden tea trolley which has the t.v. and dvd, small table where I have my laptop and bits and pieces, wardrobe, and two arm chairs, which currently have a cat on. The other one of the three cats is on the bed.....
So no I am not sitting particularly comfortable.

A new regime on the food front has begun. It has taken me a while to get used to there being just two people who eat human food in this house. For years I have cooked for six and more. Cooking for guests became more and more stressful as one expected them to be even more critical than the offspring, (they never were!) And to be honest one of the offspring going vegan and another vegetarian did dint my confidence. So I have now begun to look at recipes that include food I like and does not 'overface' me. It had become easy to shove in the oven a joint, roast potatoes and serve with a bit of veg. But I am now discovering that smaller portions and tastier marinades and raw veg, crudities with a dressing do not overface me and are enjoyable.
So, hopefully I will not see the need to buy those good bacteria yogurty things to enable me to really sit comfortably.

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