Monday 19 April 2010

Volcanic dust?

Well they did say we would have fantastic sunsets with this volcano spewing in our direction. Well we usually do have fantastic sunsets, so presumably this is actually blanking it out. There was also a health warning for people such as I with damaged lungs, and I have been wheezing a fair bit, but no doubt thats just down to the household dust I have been stirring rather than volcanic.
We have a judge in for two nights, though here in Scotland they are called Sheriffs. This one has brought his deputy with him...So after dishing out the verdicts and sentencing or whatever, they went off to sample the delights of one of our many castles.

Now how do you do b&b when your grill explodes? As it did this morning. Dry frying tomorrow til we get the part and then try and get hold of an electrician to fit it.

Our wee road has been severely damaged by this winter's weather and we find a notice affixed to our telegraph pole saying the road is to be closed for repairs. So how do we do b&b then? They can't fly in can they!

Whatever next. I expect there will be something.

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