Friday 16 April 2010

Don't say a word.............sssh

Trying very hard to not get excited. But our 'buyers' may become buyers on a formal footing. Scottish system can be quite wierd and things happen here that would not happen in England. Like buyers solicitors having friendly chat with sellers' solicitors without actually saying anything. At least our buyers have now instructed a solicitor which is a huge step forward.
If I bate my breath much longer I will drop down dead.

However. Mike and I went and viewed another property today. Fantastic view over the Loch of Strathbeg with the sea in the distance. I could have made the house work for us but as you cannot do anything about neighbours who were all around and very, very close, we knew it was not for us. So its back to our short list of two.

Its been quite strange lately as we tour the countryside for houses for sale. I have been up and down so many roads, quite close to us here, that I have never done before. Seen our house from miles away at different angles! We are quite a feature. In fact we were once visited by the Ordnance Survey to ensure we werent going to dig the front garden up. Apparently they use our garden as a measuring point from a small aircraft to do their maps. The garden has a distinct cross marked out by the walls and paths. Must remember to tell our successors.

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