Well - what a week. We had our viewing on Sunday and it went extremely well. We scoured round for the few properties up for sale in our price range, location choice, and other being picky limitations, which brought us down to two. One I like and one he likes. But as we had heard nothing from our potential viewers we were beginning to think it was all a waste of time. Then yesterday they phoned. They need more financial stuff for their financial advisor. More importantly they are still desperate to buy. So we spent the best part of today (and it is glorious, sunny and warm,) trawling through accounts etc. Remember we have never been seriously into business, so long as we can do an honest tax return thats all we do. No spread sheets, no profits and losses, no long term forecasts...We know someone could really make this place crack, but knowing it and presenting it as such to a bank manager is a different kettle of fish. Now its up to them. And really with what we have already provided them with they should have been able to make a good case. But like our usual 'we aim to please' we have probably done the work for them. Just hope it pays off. I am in a terrible state, cant settle to do anything, most of its done anyway. I had intended to re-pot all my lilies today, but the best part of the day is gone. So I am having a glass of wine - so there.
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