I have never been happy with the snug. Basically its a small room with an open fire, but wherever you put the seating it never 'worked'. That room has had more computations than any other. I blame the Admiral. The Admiral is our resident ghost. He closes the door to the room. If you ask nicely the door stays open. If you don't it gets closed, (which might be what you wanted! ) We call him the Admiral as our doctor told us that it was a retired Polish Admiral that had the room as his bedroom when the house was a Care Home for Polish Oldies. He is a friendly ghost, you dont feel any animosity or coldness, just having his bit of fun. Hope he likes the changes.
What really worries me that I have about three boxes full of books I wish to be rid of, some to possibly sell - and I have to point out that ridding myself of any book is like drawing teeth - but as I start to refill the moved shelves with the remainder I think I might not have enough room for them all. Now how is that possible?
Having given up for the day I shall resume tomorrow, guest arriving permitting and will post a picture of the new library. I shall be spending the evening trying to decide what to do with the room that was the library. Other than re-decorate, something I had not realised I would have to do, once everything was removed it showed, oh how it showed, that it was one of the first rooms to be decorated 8 years ago. Bum.
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