4p.m. today three men, in three cars, turn up on our doorstep. "Got a viewing at 4p.m."
"Erm, I dont think so, have you got the right address?"
So- after a bit more discussion and looking at watches, them saying they have a lot to see... I let them in, warning them that there is no way the house is presented for viewing. (Hysterical laughter). So of we go, library with empty shelves, paint pot, ladders, books in piles on the floor. Snug. Even more piles of books and furniture squashed up in a huddle. Guest room one, bed stripped, no fancy bed cover, its on the floor. Guest room 2 - okay - set up for guest tonight. Room 3 bed stripped. Room 4, just managed to kick Mikes mucky clothes under the wardrobe. Then we come to our bedroom. Empty boxes of Tennants, bag of cans to be recycled, clothes over every chair, and bed only just made without the very expensive throws I bought for viewings........And muddy cat paw prints all over the bathroom (they came in through the window). So much for decluttering and being spotlessly clean for a viewing.
Well, they just loved it. The buildery person talked knowledgeably about repairs required, the architecty (?) person had various walls knocked down, in fact if we were staying he had some bloody good ideas. And then they wanted to talk money. Well I am not very good at this and insisted they spoke to the solicitor.
After they left I spoke to the solicitor. Apparently they were supposed to be viewing another house in the village, a small modern house.......
But they knew this house had seven bedrooms and 4 ensuite so what the hell is going on?
Hopefully learn more tomorrow when solicitor contacts for feed back and an explanation!
Please cross all your fingers and toes this was a genuine viewing and we do get a sensible offer.
I shant sleep tonight, but I will try to smile (note the red wine at corner of mouth.!)
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