Last nights meeting was not quite so exuberant but still good fun with some interesting conversations. I try and sit with someone different each week, even if I am not that in tune with them! Diverse bunch of people. Last night I sat with a G.P , a retired solicitor who is a DJ on a local radio station and the Christian Leader of the Seamans Mission, can't for the life of me think what his proper title is. The latter I absolutely love. Despite the fact we are poles apart in most areas of life we get on like a house on fire. You come across people in your life who no-one who knows you, or thinks they do, can understand your giving the time of day to a particular person. I can hear them now, "What on earth are you talking to him for?" But there is something inside that says this is a really good person and I would do anything for them should they be in trouble. Its not a physical attraction, but a spiritual one. I dont often go along these lines, particularly in public, but I can think of others in my life of whom I can say the same thing.
Much of the conversation last night, to which I listened (yes I can do that!) was about the problems in getting ministers to this part of Scotland. Beautiful houses for them to live in, The Manse, etc. etc. One comment which I had to have interpreted was "Theres no Markis for the wify." After three goes I finally cottoned on this was - No Marks and Spencers for the wife."
The North East is very strong on religion. They dont shove it down your throat, in fact till last night, apart from the obvious one who wears a uniform proclaiming his role in saving the fishermen spiritually, I would have never known the others were so deeply involved and committed to their own particular church. What I did find remarkable, thinking on it all later, was that at no time was I asked what religion I was, which church, blah, blah. Totally opposite to many other encounter I have had with persons claiming to be Christians. My comments were respected, my queries likewise, I did not feel the need to establish my agnostic views, or any view. Most refreshing.
All that has helped me get through this day with guests taking advantage of our good natures.
Unfortunately my real self may break through if they try it on again tomorrow. By which time I may have calmed down enough to explain what happened.
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