Snow that is. Scotland is, in the main, still shut till Tuesday. But we were low on cat food. Although the cats manage to keep the vermin population under control, and unfortunately bring in the odd bird (no wonder Sith coughs such a lot - all those feathers and fur), they still queue up demanding loudly that they are starving twice a day. So, Mike still not well with a heavy cold, it was down to me to slip and slide into town and find that there was NO SNOW! Its only ten minutes away for goodness sake, and we are almost snowed in, but none in the town. Presumably because its by the sea?
The supermarket was totally different to the last time I visited on New Years Eve, when one became on first name terms with almost everyone, as you spent so much time with them trying to get down and up the aisles, no-one being able to see over their trolleys piled high with Tennants.
Today was almost empty and peaceful. So much so that I was shouting at my mobile which was saying it had no battery when I had only just charged it up, I then got into a conversation with a chap in one of those mobility wheel chair things. I often wonder why I shouldnt be able to zoom up and down the aisles in them, would anyone ask for a medical certificate?
Anyway I got a lot of advice from him about cheap mobile phones, the television shopping channel, "How much do you think this ring cost?" ( a very feminine ring I might add for a very large chap) (£6.50 apparently) and how he loved ladies from Yorkshire, especially blondes, at which point I thought we should cut the crack and move on, especially as we had somehow managed to cause a traffic jam in a near empty supermarket.
Coming sideways up our drive on my return, sideways as someone had gone over my wheel tracks, meaning I hit a pile of snow, I found Lucy and Sandy polishing off the rest of my Pecan cake. We all announced to each other we were packing in doing bed and breakfast and then backed down a bit to say it would be nice to have some bookings. Then about all the b******* we had had and then the lurvly people we would have back!
So as the sun began to go down, joining in with the temperature just on freezing, they hit the road, slowly, and I opened the bottle of wine.
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