Every year since we have lived here we have had snow and on rare occasions been snowed in, the usual snowfall being a lot dumped but only for a day or two, but this keeps on and on.
We had an hour today where the sun came out and the temperature rose to above freezing, then another blizzard swept in, temperature down and now its growing dark.
Mike managed to get to the next village this morning to stock up the bird food.
58 chaffinches on the front lawn, many greenfinches, house sparrows, a few; tons of tree sparrows, greenfinches, blue tits, great tits, coal tits, robin, dunnock, starlings, blackbirds, yellowhammer, wren, buzzard in the big tree, crows and rooks. Then theres the spinney at the rear of the house and a feeding station in the courtyard, and one outside our bedroom. Yes, it does cost us a fortune! But the rewards are immense.
As far as we humans are concerned there is still food in the freezer.
The oil tanks were filled last week. And the snow isnt the sort that brings down power lines. Hope saying that wasnt tempting fate!
Rotary has been cancelled for tomorrow night. So, on with Come Dine With Me on the box. Blanket round the nether regions and a glass close by. Hibernation has its good points.
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