Sunday, 31 January 2010
We have a problem...
The other temporary blip is that we are verging on being snowed in. So plan A was to arrange some viewings so we can try and draw up a shortlist. There isnt a plan B.
We have had blizzard after blizzard today. But Mike got to the post office for the paper, and some cars, admittedly 4 wheel drives have gone up and down the road.
Tomorrow I will make some appointments to view, after viewing the weather report.
The ducks dont like the snow. Although just before it began our hens had started to lay again and we were thinking they were well past it!
Well now its time to watch Come Dine With Me. I wonder where we will be dining in six months time.
Saturday, 30 January 2010
Friday, 29 January 2010
Its back again.....
Ah well.
We have had another viewing. And another tomorrow. Surely one of them if not more, dont forget the 3 wise men from Tuesday who are still in the frame, make us an acceptable offer.
I am totally whacked from cleaning and mopping and house doctoring....however this had a plus side, my blood pressure is so low they are considering taking me off some medication NOT adding to it...Yeay.
Thursday, 28 January 2010
Burns Supper.
Tuesday, 26 January 2010
Curiouser and curiouser.
4p.m. today three men, in three cars, turn up on our doorstep. "Got a viewing at 4p.m."
"Erm, I dont think so, have you got the right address?"
So- after a bit more discussion and looking at watches, them saying they have a lot to see... I let them in, warning them that there is no way the house is presented for viewing. (Hysterical laughter). So of we go, library with empty shelves, paint pot, ladders, books in piles on the floor. Snug. Even more piles of books and furniture squashed up in a huddle. Guest room one, bed stripped, no fancy bed cover, its on the floor. Guest room 2 - okay - set up for guest tonight. Room 3 bed stripped. Room 4, just managed to kick Mikes mucky clothes under the wardrobe. Then we come to our bedroom. Empty boxes of Tennants, bag of cans to be recycled, clothes over every chair, and bed only just made without the very expensive throws I bought for viewings........And muddy cat paw prints all over the bathroom (they came in through the window). So much for decluttering and being spotlessly clean for a viewing.
Well, they just loved it. The buildery person talked knowledgeably about repairs required, the architecty (?) person had various walls knocked down, in fact if we were staying he had some bloody good ideas. And then they wanted to talk money. Well I am not very good at this and insisted they spoke to the solicitor.
After they left I spoke to the solicitor. Apparently they were supposed to be viewing another house in the village, a small modern house.......
But they knew this house had seven bedrooms and 4 ensuite so what the hell is going on?
Hopefully learn more tomorrow when solicitor contacts for feed back and an explanation!
Please cross all your fingers and toes this was a genuine viewing and we do get a sensible offer.
I shant sleep tonight, but I will try to smile (note the red wine at corner of mouth.!)
Monday, 25 January 2010
Mist over the fields.
Update on the library. Well, its all going back again. Right back where I started. After a bit of decorating. Why I start these things I really dont know.
We decided to go through the Home Report on our house, now a requirement when selling your home. Some things listed are just silly. There is a bit of flat roof between the old house and the newer - so what does the surveyor write? "Flat roofs can collapse without warning. "
Well, yes, possibly they do, but ours has had quite a lot of attention and been treated with something that says its guaranteed for 20 years.
But there were comments about damp stains. Which were correct, so once the library had its furniture removed I painted over the damp stains. I should say that this stain has been there since we bought the house. I dont like painting ceilings and a small 'tide' mark didnt bother me. But hey ho now I could eradicate it. There being a bit of this tide mark on the wall I got out a tin of paint which I seemed to remember was the colour used in the library. Well it wasnt... so I have had to paint the whole wall, second coat tomorrow.
Mike has been going round outside re-fixing fall pipes to the wall. The ONE roof tile off the old house we cant find, so we need Charlie our sometime neighbour and ace roofer to sort that.
Then we need to ask the surveyor to update the Home Report, and remove all his not required 'advice', which will cost us 25% of the original fee. THEN we hope to get more viewers and a reasonable offer and then I am out of here.
I have also been decluttering like a mad woman. Just hoping the boxes for car boot dont get mixed up with the precious stuff.
Thursday, 21 January 2010
Just a reminder
Last nights meeting was not quite so exuberant but still good fun with some interesting conversations. I try and sit with someone different each week, even if I am not that in tune with them! Diverse bunch of people. Last night I sat with a G.P , a retired solicitor who is a DJ on a local radio station and the Christian Leader of the Seamans Mission, can't for the life of me think what his proper title is. The latter I absolutely love. Despite the fact we are poles apart in most areas of life we get on like a house on fire. You come across people in your life who no-one who knows you, or thinks they do, can understand your giving the time of day to a particular person. I can hear them now, "What on earth are you talking to him for?" But there is something inside that says this is a really good person and I would do anything for them should they be in trouble. Its not a physical attraction, but a spiritual one. I dont often go along these lines, particularly in public, but I can think of others in my life of whom I can say the same thing.
Much of the conversation last night, to which I listened (yes I can do that!) was about the problems in getting ministers to this part of Scotland. Beautiful houses for them to live in, The Manse, etc. etc. One comment which I had to have interpreted was "Theres no Markis for the wify." After three goes I finally cottoned on this was - No Marks and Spencers for the wife."
The North East is very strong on religion. They dont shove it down your throat, in fact till last night, apart from the obvious one who wears a uniform proclaiming his role in saving the fishermen spiritually, I would have never known the others were so deeply involved and committed to their own particular church. What I did find remarkable, thinking on it all later, was that at no time was I asked what religion I was, which church, blah, blah. Totally opposite to many other encounter I have had with persons claiming to be Christians. My comments were respected, my queries likewise, I did not feel the need to establish my agnostic views, or any view. Most refreshing.
All that has helped me get through this day with guests taking advantage of our good natures.
Unfortunately my real self may break through if they try it on again tomorrow. By which time I may have calmed down enough to explain what happened.
Monday, 18 January 2010
Now why did I do this?
I have never been happy with the snug. Basically its a small room with an open fire, but wherever you put the seating it never 'worked'. That room has had more computations than any other. I blame the Admiral. The Admiral is our resident ghost. He closes the door to the room. If you ask nicely the door stays open. If you don't it gets closed, (which might be what you wanted! ) We call him the Admiral as our doctor told us that it was a retired Polish Admiral that had the room as his bedroom when the house was a Care Home for Polish Oldies. He is a friendly ghost, you dont feel any animosity or coldness, just having his bit of fun. Hope he likes the changes.
What really worries me that I have about three boxes full of books I wish to be rid of, some to possibly sell - and I have to point out that ridding myself of any book is like drawing teeth - but as I start to refill the moved shelves with the remainder I think I might not have enough room for them all. Now how is that possible?
Having given up for the day I shall resume tomorrow, guest arriving permitting and will post a picture of the new library. I shall be spending the evening trying to decide what to do with the room that was the library. Other than re-decorate, something I had not realised I would have to do, once everything was removed it showed, oh how it showed, that it was one of the first rooms to be decorated 8 years ago. Bum.
Wednesday, 13 January 2010
Weather - awful.
Sunday, 10 January 2010
Saturday, 9 January 2010
Our Postie.
Doesnt actually walk that much. He drives a van. AND it isnt always a man. We have a lady and three men who deliver the mail. One is a really lovely guy who wears shorts whenever he can. Not at the moment. One who is non communicative totally. About 16, no he cant be, he drives the van, but to me is very young. The woman who is very chatty - and the one who is a bit of a sandwich short of a picnic. He always rings the bell and checks we are Greenbrae, he repeats 'Greenbrae' at least three times, despite the fact there are numerous signs saying Greenbrae and he has been delivering here for 8 years. Each time we have to convince him we are not aliens, and that the house has not moved since 1862 he will then hand over the post.
Our other oddity re the mail is that we take in the post for Charlie, our neighbour at the bottom of the drive. Charlie has been doing up his house 'bungalow' for over ten years now. It is uninhabitable. There is a caravan which in between girlfriends Charlie has to live in but he is rarely short of girl friends, despite the fact he removes his teeth to have a fag. Over the years we have fended off electricity bill pursuers, council tax ditto, t.v. licensing ditto and some scary heavy men where we claim to have not seen him for months..... In return Charlie repairs our roof when required and did a fantastic plastering job in our kitchen at a very reasonable price.
Better the devil that you know I always say to our guests when they ask about the hovel next door......
Friday, 8 January 2010
A picture is worth a thousand words..
Thursday, 7 January 2010
Not more!
Wednesday, 6 January 2010
Snow on snow..
Tuesday, 5 January 2010
I think that just might be enough now....
Every year since we have lived here we have had snow and on rare occasions been snowed in, the usual snowfall being a lot dumped but only for a day or two, but this keeps on and on.
We had an hour today where the sun came out and the temperature rose to above freezing, then another blizzard swept in, temperature down and now its growing dark.
Mike managed to get to the next village this morning to stock up the bird food.
58 chaffinches on the front lawn, many greenfinches, house sparrows, a few; tons of tree sparrows, greenfinches, blue tits, great tits, coal tits, robin, dunnock, starlings, blackbirds, yellowhammer, wren, buzzard in the big tree, crows and rooks. Then theres the spinney at the rear of the house and a feeding station in the courtyard, and one outside our bedroom. Yes, it does cost us a fortune! But the rewards are immense.
As far as we humans are concerned there is still food in the freezer.
The oil tanks were filled last week. And the snow isnt the sort that brings down power lines. Hope saying that wasnt tempting fate!
Rotary has been cancelled for tomorrow night. So, on with Come Dine With Me on the box. Blanket round the nether regions and a glass close by. Hibernation has its good points.