Height of the season, bookings flooding in and me crashing out after every bout of ironing, cleaning, etc. etc. Fortunately (?) we had booked ourselves some time off in between all these bookings to catch up with the ironing, cleaning etc. So I have not had to fix the death grin on my face and greet guests but I have had to prop myself up to catch up with the ironing.
Mike has been brilliant, every evening he concocts some tasty snack that will tempt me to eat. So long as its not two doorstep sandwiches, I manage to eat.
If you are considering doing b&b do NOT unless in the main you are healthy.
I will be alright in a couple of days. Antibiotics have prevented the bug from attacking me lungs.
The energy will take a while to come back. But from tomorrow we are full for the next three weeks. So it has to!
Oh nearly forgot, another viewing on Thursday. Still waiting for our written offer, from the previous lot. Which we were told would be the end of this week...... It has been quite good having the flu as I have not been physically able to get too excited about a possible REAL offer.
Would be nice tho wouldnt it?
The other bit of news on the b&b front is that Lucy is now off loading every booking she has taken, is taking and is swamping us with people we have no contact with and no means of contacting them. Yes, the people who come to us are complete strangers but via email chat, or phone chat you get a feel for them, but this is getting ridiculous. I am concerned that any day now we are going to get a claim for commission from Lucy! As soon as I am better it is going to be "No more!" You start off taking them , even tho you have built in a breathing space, out of sympathy for Lucy but - this is now bordering on the ridiculous, NO MORE. Quoth the Raven?
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