Thursday, 18 March 2010

BAarn owls - close up.

Last night at our meeting it was my turn to do grace. A brilliant (tho I say it myself) non religious, non sexist, non political one. Later I gave the vote of thanks to the people who brought two of the above, and another one which I think was a Little Owl. Does anyone watch Come Dine With Me? The one recently where the hostess brought out her pet snake and it pood all over the dining table? I thanked these guests for not so doing, but then had a funny feeling that owls also eject stuff from the other end. Fortunately they didnt do that either, and being silent were a vast improvement on the humans around the table.
On a more serious note, these owls and others actually assist children with special needs. Particularly those with Autism or ADD. A worthy and very interesting project.
Unfortunately they didn't want our Parrot, Phoebe, to add to their menagerie, but knew a man who would. So if and when we downsize there may be a good and tolerant home waiting for her also.
A much lighter mood this week altho I was not impressed at a certain person who kept starting up, "Happy Birthday to You..." as I am trying to give them up.

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