This was the scene about two hours ago. Now its all sunny, blue skies and the snow melted.
We missed out on the tons of snow that fell just a few miles away, more benefits of being fairly near the sea. We did have sleet and the high winds. As my frequent readers will know I hate the wind. But we survived.
Our viewing on Friday I have already referred to. I really cannot understand people who view when they have obviously no interest in the house whatsoever.
We had a chap in from Vermont over the weekend. Ancestor hunting, castle and standing stones, so we didnt see much of him.
Sith, the black cat in the lower photo, has been to the vets. Coughing and sneezing, antibiotics and back on Wednesday.
I bought myself a new swimming costume. The one I had - and never wore - became too small as I have gone up two dress sizes..... Consequently I am also in dire need of new clothes, now down to about three outfits in all. Not good. I had a quick whiz round where I normally buy day to day stuff, New Look and Asda, but they all seem to think Summer has arrived and everything is short sleeved. As I currently am wearing leggings and track suit bottoms and three layers on the top, and a scarf, I am not quite ready for the bare arms.
Our swimming pool has reopened after being updated (?) so I really have no excuse and intend to call in and find out the best time to go and not be mowed down by screaming brats, sorry, the future generation.
I am also trying to find out if there are any art classes close by. Plenty in Aberdeenshire but not many in this neck of the woods, if any. Presumably they expect everyone to be out fishing on the North Sea or ploughing a furrow. The latter has just restarted, something to watch in the fields - at last. Though it is muck spreading at the moment so if it were warm enough I would not be opening the windows.
Our ducks, both laying, so Spring cant be far away. Actually starts on 21st March, my 61st birthday. Hope by then someone has made an offer and I can seriously look forward to my next project - a 'new' house.