Monday, 22 February 2010

Another sunset.

Days are getting longer. We have a blue tit defending a nest box in the spinney! A pair of tree sparrows doing the mating dance, head bobbing and tail flicking and snuggling up. Should really switch the nest box camera on to see if the blue tit is roosting in there. Apparently this is all down to the longer daylight. It certainly isnt down to the temperature. The day before yesterday we were minus 10, minus 8 last night. Minus 1 as I write - 7p.m. Beautiful sunny day today. The fields looked as if diamonds had been scattered all over them. Our road glistened, second gear max 20m.p.h. down to the village where the gritters had been.
I have had my slow puncture seen to, and my snow/frost damaged windscreen wipers replaced. Replaced the varnish so I now have the floor varnish to get going with rather than the stuff to do doors which I bought in a senior moment. So - roll on a new day!

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