I will not bore you with how our home moving is (not) going. Suffice it to say that this morning we had the surreal situation of workmen tramping around measuring to give quotes to our buyers who were on the phone to their solicitor basically telling them to get their finger out.
We just made the coffee.
After they had all left I got on with the day job.
Our two chaps erecting conservatories left. They wanted to come back next week, but we are full.
Our chap sorting out the power station is still with us.
We have a couple in over the weekend who have been before. So on with the bed changes. Power station had his bed changed, done every 4 days, and clean towels. The Conservatory 2 had beds stripped and the beds made into Super King Size for the couple. Phew.
We took a booking for the 31st March.
One area from whence our regular visitors come are the music examiners heading for the local secondary school.
As this is our last day of doing b&b I wonder if we should mark the occasion. I have packed up my piano key board, but not yet, the one string fiddle. So should I ask him to play us out? There is also a harmonica somewhere, and the recorder I rescued from the loft, and a penny whistle. We could have a real musical send off!
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