Very difficult to stay this calm.
Thwarted at every turn it seems.
Plan was to go to new home this weekend and measure up to make the final decision as to what furniture would fit and what would not.
Today our buyers solicitors came up with new requests which will put the whole transaction off for more weeks.
By which time our new home may well be sold to someone else. No way are they going to let us through the door with tape measure.
No firm offer can be made by our buyers until we mark crosses on a map to say where the septic tanks are. Despite us having complied with the law and given SEPA ORDNANCE SURVEY MAP references. Andthey are also asking for building warrants for the extension which was done years ago and they do have all the planning consents, building warrants are by now waste paper, but requests to the council are now in motion, but councils take a long time , so more delay.
Tomorrow morning our buyer brings in his work force to quote for work he wants doing.
And we cant even go measure up to see if a chest of drawers will fit.
Alright for some.
Have decided to stop being a nice person.
Howsomever. Daffodills in bud, all ready to take over from the snowdrops, masses of them, all different types. All the trees and bushes are in bud and some actually blossoming, just a few.
March is my month. My birthday month. And when I look in the mirror on the wall above my lap top I dont look all that bad! Does not reflect in any way, shape or form what I feel inside.
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