And a glorious sunset.
Mike is muttering about cutting the grass. We have had quite a busy little mole creating havoc on the top lawn. Thinking positively he is making some excellent compost.
A lot of my plant pots cracked in the severe frosts we had over the winter. I shall have to get outside and rescue the bulbs that are in them. They mainly contain my big beautiful lilies and I do not want to lose them. Problem is that the bulbs are now so big they could do with a pot each. I may well just bag them up til we move and then sort them. Probably far more sensible, as I can't see any removal men being enthusiastic about shifting tons of pots around. And I am not that enthusiastic myself.
I am not that enthusiastic about sorting the loft out either. Mike pulled a muscle bringing down some of the boxes, none so far have anything to do with us!
His car is loaded to the gunnels again with stuff for the tip.
The phone never stops ringing with people trying to book in with us, but we are full.
A friend of mine went for a meal at the Waterside the other evening and she said the place was full to bursting with men and women working on the power station. I remember a past manager there, who when something like this occurred had them sleeping on the snooker tables.
I suppose I could shove a few up in the loft once its emptied. Now theres a thought.
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