This is moi off out to Rotary.
We had a visit from a couple from Western Australia, also Rotarians. It's one good thing about being a Rotarian. It doesnt matter where you go in the whole world you can get a free meal - just find out where the nearest Rotary meet and when and call in. Must try this when I next visit anywhere. In fact you could plan your whole trip away if you are canny. Quick we have to make it to Ontario for Tuesday.
Well some good news this week. Two of my nieces are pregnant and both due in March next year. For Lorna, it is her first and for Becky her second. Becky is rather special to me as she was about 3 when Mike and I got married and insisted on being on every photograph of us. In a pink anorak.There were quite a lot of raised, questioning eyebrows from some of my older relatives and you could almost hear "She kept that quiet."
We have had some more lovely people staying with us this week. In fact we have only had one night off. That was Tuesday. Tuesday we had been informed by the electric company our power would be switched off at 9a.m. till - well I read it to be 2.30p.m. It took us two hours to decide where to go, as there was not much we could do at home without any power. Then we couldnt find where we had decided to go. Called in at Turriff where it was supposed to be near and Mike went off to make enquiries. No-one had heard of the place, he said, so we went to Delgatie Castle for lunch and to see Joan and Donna, who we hadn't seen for ages. I asked them if they had heard of this place we were intending to visit and Mike began to go very red. Donna told us where it was. Mike said, "That wasnt what I said in Turriff, no wonder they had never heard of it." What do you do....? But then it was my turn. We came home - no power. Just about to pick up the mobile phone (our phone doesnt work when there is no electric) and just saw the letter from the electric company - 4.30 when the power comes back on, not 2.30. So sat in the dark and cold for quite a long time. So Mike and I were about equal on the senior moment.
Farming report.
Tractors hurtling up and down with square bales of straw. You will see from picture below that bales are normally round efforts. Square ones are for the covering of the carrots. Yes, the carrots are about to be swathed in straw, then black plastic, for the winter. Must get out and pull the ones that wont be covered. This must be the optimum time to stop the growth so they are still succulent and the right size for the supermarkets. Ergo any not being put to bed need to be pulled now. Still havent made the carrot cake, and I think theres still carrot soup from the last lot....
In between guests, trips out and shopping I have been working my way through the Rebus novels by Ian Rankin. Since Monday I have read six of them. Now you may think I have sat on my bum and read and done nothing else. Unfortunately, for me , I am a speed reader and can knock a novel off in one evening and that often during the adverts on the t.v.
I say unfortunately because I get really cross when I find I have nothing left to read. So - then I start on another author (just finished all the Jack Frost ones prior to starting the Rebus ones).
I have also found that if I like an author I prefer to buy the books rather than borrow from the library. This leads to many happy trips round charity shops and much phoning on the mobile back home for Mike to check if we have............Really should make a list.
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