Sunday, 5 September 2010

Harvest Time.

And if you look at the picture below, you can just see how it was before. Before the combine harvester drove past my bedroom window followed by the tractor and trailer into which the barley grain went. Soon followed by the tractor pulling the baling machine. Clunk. Very large barley straw bale. (And this year I didnt wave at them all as they drove past!) Plenty of straw left on the ground for Mike to scoop up for our hens and ducks bedding. This year, apparently, the farmers have been using short stalked wheat and barley so straw is to be at a premium price. So we will be out there doing our bit of gleaning.
Across the road from Greenbrae is a crop we have never seen growing around us, oats. We still have the carrots to the left of us which comes in handy as quite a lot of seed went where the eventual mechanical harvesters will not go, so we have no problem with taking the carrots there. As it would go to waste otherwise.
We had a lovely couple in last night, from Edinburgh. Here for a relatives birthday knees up at the football club. I have never seen a man so tall - and we have had a few tall men - this one just had to be a rugby player. Like a barn door.
We are tootling along with the b&b, been turning away quite a lot, just taking them when we feel like it. Or they are returning. It is way too much effort and expense to take singles for one night. Particularly now when the evenings are cool and one has to put the heating on for them. The cost of that probably cancels out their payment. So, yes tomorrow night we have a single for one night, but he has been before, and will come again.
My friend who also has a blog said the other day that she was bored. Now that is quite a brave statement to make. Particularly for her who has major health issues. But I am going to join in. I too am bored. Since the people who made an offer on the house then disappeared, I have felt in total limbo. Wondering if they were coming back as they said they were still desperate to buy our house. How long do you hang fire for that? Til you are totally bored thats when. So outcomes the list pad. I have also been re-reading good old Anthea Turners Perfect Housewife and have made a start. My aim is to spring clean everywhere and sort out rubbish/charity/car boot stuff.
In fact its Harvest time.

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