Monday 20 September 2010

It's hard work being a Grandma.

I did say, "What are you going to do when he gets to the top?"

Panic all round as there Zach is at the top and no way for anyone else to get up there to rescue him, so there they are having a conference......
But all was well - he was eventually lifted down. The picture that follows was before we got to the play park. We went to Macduff Marine Aquarium. Where some very large, strange looking fish came up to say hello. This one was some kind of shark.

The best ones, for me, were the wolf fish, unfortunately no picture.
The first day of the visit of my grandson, they all went off to St.Combs beach. I nursed my hangover from the night with the Hairy Bikers. Yesterday, another beach and I went too, to my friend Marina's favourite beach at New Aberdour. Again no pictures, batteries flat. But we all had a whale of a time there, lovely pebbles, lovely shells, spooky caves, rock pools, Zach could hardly walk after I showed him how to pick up pebbles - and put them in his pockets.
The hard work comes in as poor Zach's car seat and his small size disables him from seeing anything outside the car. How many times can you sing "The Wheels on the Bus" just to keep him entertained? Too many.

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