A busy week. I am all ironed out. We had a group of ladies from some church in Alabama. One should NOT generalise. Learnt that lesson! I fully expected them all to be black and saying "Praise the Lord" at the end of every sentence. Well they weren't and they didnt. I am also still in the dark as to what their fascination was for Peterhead, the Fish Market and not a mention of any link up with any of Peterhead's proliferation of religions. Peterhead has the most varied and different religions of any town in the UK, or so I am reliably informed. Whenever there is a disagreement they break off and form another. Bit like an amoeba.
The reason I know so little about our American Ladies is that the booking was arranged by Lucy. And she keeps things close to her chest. I do know I ended up being illegal for one night -and had to buy an air bed. I am only allowed six heads on beds and that night I had seven. "Y'ell have five of them, but one is only 13, so just stick her on a camp bed."
Haven't got one. Had to buy one, and a foot pump. And she was the tallest of the group. Just an aside here - have you heard of people swanning about? Well this girl glided just like one, never actually seen it before. A natural blonde too, she was stunningly beautiful. Hope they are not going to send her to a nunnery.
Even more excitement tonight. Yet another of Lucy's bookings. From what I can gather while Lucy was away on holiday in her mobile home she took a booking. When you ring her home number it transfers to her mobile. Little did they know they were having their booking taken by a woman parked up somewhere in the Hebrides.....not anywhere near Peterhead. So she gets home and realises she is now double booked, every b&b proprietors nightmare. So what does she do? Pleads with me to take them. At her prices which are somewhat lower than mine. Anything to help out a friend, especially Lucy. But she has no contact number for them, doesn't appear to know where they are coming from, what time they are arriving......So we sit and wait. I am assuming these tired and travel weary people are going to turn up at Lucy's, only to be sent off to us. Hmm. So I have a double bed and a twin bedded room awaiting and just hope they are pretty laid back about it all. Never again. Tho I still love Lucy.
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