Thursday 22 July 2010

Keep on painting...

Well, here is the before picture, walls white, large antique furniture.

And now the walls are gold, to be honest the picture does not do justice, it is a deeper gold than this. This is the right hand wall as in the picture above.

And the radiator cover, painted to match. Still a long way to go! This wall needs a second coat, and then there is the other corridor at the top of here and to the left, not even started. I hope you agree that once this is finished it will be a wow....This is the left of the picture above.
We took the three cats for their blood test yesterday and have the results - all negative. Whooo. They may have to have a further test in a few months time, but the information on the web indicates that all is well and the test should be the one to rely on. Thank goodness.
French couple in last night for a week. It was only this morning that I realised they had specified quite clearly they wanted twin beds and this idiot had spent the morning setting up, ironing etc for a double. Bum. So this morning it was more ironing to make it twins, and the next door bedroom for two more guests specifying twin beds. Then a single chap in for two nights and then a couple from England, who want a double, and so it goes on.
Sunday afternoon we have yet another viewing and whoopie do, they havent got their house on the market............I am seriously considering telling them to p*** off and have a Sunday afternoon just enjoying the sunshine.

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