My grandson playing with the road mat I bought. Mike took it to Edinburgh along with Emily who stayed with us last weekend and crammed the car with furniture and lots of other stuff as she is opening her own shop, The Spider and the Fly, later this month. There is a web site, check it out. Mike had the pleasure of driving to Edinburgh and back, but whilst there he got to see the shop and Zac, Amy and Jonathon and Chloe.
I was at Greenbrae waiting for guests to arrive. And painting. Our 'mile long' corridors are being transformed. As I said before we are going Gold and by gum it is. First coat I thought ' Oh goodness what have I done'. Second coat, I thought , 'Well arent I just the clever one.' I shall post a before and after when it is finished. Remember it is a 'mile long'. Today Mike put together the radiator cover which is also to be painted gold. And the other two radiators will also be receiving the same treatment. Hopefully this will lead to the wow factor.
Yesterday Summer finally hit, no wind, glorious sunshine - I just sat there soaking it up, once I had come down off the ladder.
Today - well. Dark, misty, rainy, yeuk. Hopefully back to summer tomorrow.
Remember the 'jobs worth' chap with his trade waste bins? See previous posting. Well I am getting a little concerned at his approach to some of our members of the Best of Banffshire and Buchan Bed and Breakfasts. During the conversations it has been reported that he has asked, "Are you aware of the t.v. licensing for hotels?" Well yes, but we are not hotels. "Do you pay business rates or council tax?" Does one feel there is a threat in there??? Oh forgot one, "Are you on a water meter?" and of course the old chestnut the Performing Arts regulations, the one where you should pay for letting your guests listen to music. As I told the Performing Arts people, "If they want music, they have to sing.".