Monday 24 March 2008

White Starling

You will need a magnifying glass! First picture of it is in flight, second it is behind a normal coloured one on the bird table.
Busy weekend with paying guest and our own family.
My daughter, who was visiting, has taken away with her the two zebra finches, which I had been caring for for her. It is very quiet, here in the office, now they have gone. I hope to re-decorate in here and smarten it up. Although we now have wireless connection for business guests and lap tops, people do still want to come in to the office and check their emails. We also have ancestor hunters using web sites for their searches.
At the moment Minerva, one of the cats, is searching everywhere in here, to see if the finches have really gone. The cats have not been allowed in here while the finches were in residence.

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