Monday 25 February 2008

Doo cotes

Dove Cotes - these are at Inverquhomery Farm, just up the road from Greenbrae.
The farm is mostly arable. Fields are huge, and have barley, wheat and oil seed rape on a rotation basis. Last year Greenbrae was surrounded by fields of bright yellow oil seed rape. Hiding the view from the bedrooms when it grew tall. This year we have the barley which does not spoil the view, and is beautiful rippling in the breeze.
Along the road from us some of the fields, not in view, will have beef cows and sheep. At the other side of the village the fields will have milk cows.
Yesterday I began our contribution to the local 'agriculture' and planted loads of vegetable seeds, flower seeds and herbs. From now on in I have to tend the greenhouse, keep the seeds watered. Not a particularly hazardous pursuit unless you trip over a seed tray and plough a furrow with your nose. Today I am trying to work out which bit of me is not bruised.

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